Sunday, July 31, 2011

First day in Trini

Made it to Trinidad successfully last night and were greeted with a warm welcome from TTUM. We found out we would be staying in the rooms that we laid the concrete for 4 years ago. The rooms look great and are very spacious. There is a large retreat group staying at the compound now and another large group will be here when they leave, so there will be no shortage of festivities going on throughout the week. This morning we had an orientation led by Jennifer where we learned all about the culture of Trinidad, customs, religions, etc. Then, this afternoon we went out to Five Rivers and recruited kids to come to VBS this week. The amount of space we will have for VBS seems pretty small, but I'm sure we will figure it out. Nonetheless, we talked to a lot of folks and expect a great turnout. Tonight, we will have church led by Pastor Bachew, founder of TTUM, and then we will prepare for the first day of VBS tomorrow. We look forward to what God has in store for us this week!

Friday, July 29, 2011


Our 2011 Team is busy preparing for our trip tomorrow. Last night we met to pray and pack supplies that we would be taking with us. Thanks to all who donated items and for the prayers and good wishes for our trip. That means a lot to all of us.

We have 16 on our team. We have 10 people who have never been there before so we are excited about what God will do through our team! Please pray for us - that we would be healthy to serve, team unity, and that God would be glorified.

Our team includes: Kathy & Mia Breeden, Chuck & Mary Lee Trnka, Jay, Grant, & Hayden West, Randa Wittmer, Rick Woods, Chris Odehnal,Keri Tyler, Tim, Yvonne, Camrie, JT and Darcie Nixon.

We will be doing a VBS as well as work with orphans and anything else that our hosts need us to do. We plan on posting nightly about our daily experiences so check back over the weekend.

Yvonne for Team Trinidad