Thursday, August 4, 2011

4th Day of VBS!!

Hello! Kathy Breeden here. We had 40 something kids today and they listened so well toTim's review of what the salvation bracelets they made yesterday represented. Everything was going amazingly well. . .. and then the rains came. We had to juggle teaching/playing spaces while trying to keep out of the torrents and it was challenging, to say the least. However, by the ending session we were dry once again. After lunch, we rode in a bus to a Catholic orphanage housing 30 children.It took us one and half hours to drive there, but it was worth it. The orphanage compound was clean and cheery and the kids were adorable. We had a big time playing and performing some skits for them.
Auntie Pat Pearl (who runs the new orphanage we helped paint this week) came with us to visit with the head Sister about some practical concerns when running an orphanage in Trinidad. Sister was a compassionate, spiritual, and very wise woman who had spent her life loving children in several countries. I listened in on their conversation and was so blessed by these women who have such a big heart for these little ones who have no home.
After supper, we had a free evening, so we decided to "bless" each other with our many and varied talents. We put together skits, crazy operettas, stupid human tricks, and other performances to showcase our "talent". A great time was had by all. We even had judges who were funny in their attempt to prioritize the quality of our acts. We even had entries from our Trinidad friends on the staff here (which, by the way, blew our sorry contributions out of the water!). We met for our nightly meeting to plan for tomorrow and we formed an assembly line and packed up gift bags for our VBS kids. Included were a toothbrush, tooth paste, candy, lotion, stickers, pamphlet, silly bands, etc. Its time for bed! I'm doing the devotional in the morning!

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